Children's Church

This ministry is dedicated to the children of God who are too young to attend the main Church Service. They meet together so that they may have a solid foundation in the body of Christ. Children will sooner or later make their own decisions and we can equip them with the tools to make informed decisions. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Parents want to make decisions for their child but this hurts them in the long run. When parents teach a child how to make decisions, they don’t have to watch every step he or she takes. They know their children will remain on the right path because they have made the choice themselves.

Bible College

Bible College provides growing Christians with an opportunity for in-depth Bible-based studying. The courses and study programs offered are flexible and are geared towards meeting the needs of all Christians. We offer study materials that are Word-based, God-inspired and relevant to the 21st century Church.

These courses are a tremendous resource of rich, practical knowledge and wisdom, based on God’s Word, and are an effective aid to spiritual development and suitable for all believers. The courses are practical and geared towards meeting the needs of Pastors, leaders as well as ordinary Christians who are not in a position to attend Bible College on a full time basis. We also encourage those who are young in the Lord to enroll so that spiritual development can take place in an effective manner.

The courses offered are:

  •     Certificate In Theology (1st Year)
  •     Diploma In Theology (2nd Year)
  •     Bachelor In Theology (B. Th.) (3rd & 4th Year)
  •     Masters In Theology (M. Th.)
  •     Doctorate Degree In Ministry (D. Min)

Home Cells

The life and growth of the church is also within the home cells and the cells multiplying. A home cell is a group that meets to discuss topics as guided by the church as well. Just as a human body consists of cells, a church should consist of home cells. As families are the basic building blocks of any community so the home cells are building blocks on which the whole Church grows. The life, growth and support of the Church take place in the home cells.

It has a Biblical Foundation. Churches were started out of houses. The New Testament uses the term ‘church’ for a gathering of Christians.

  • Romans 16:5 says, “Likewise greet the church that is in their house.”
  • Colossians 4:15 says, “Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.”
  • 1 Corinthians 16:19 says, “The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.”

Men and Women’s Fellowship

This is where women and men fellowship mostly in separate groups (a women?s group and a men?s group) and occasionally together. It is where both genders share best practices and also challenges they are faced with. Biblical reference is also made regarding each lesson that is touched on.

This fellowship is interdenominational, strengthens each gender and prepares one for the role God has instructed to carry out. This fellowship is not limited to a certain age group. One needs to simply become an adult and they are then permitted to attend men & women's fellowship.

Supernatural Prophetic School

The objective of the school is to build a foundation for the prophetic ministry within you. In the Academy we study the Scriptures and what is written in the New and Old Testament regarding the prophetic ministry.

Studying the different gifts helps us to know the manner in which the Holy Spirit is able to communicate with us. Now we have the responsibility of using the gifts for the building up of the Church and people of God



Our Youth is where we impact the young generation in our church with a hunger for being in a relationship with God. Here we identify the apostolic and the prophetic, vision identification and the ability to stand in the world as young people. The youth have chosen to revolt against apathy, hypocrisy and bigotry.

They want to let the “Son” shine, Jesus Christ, the real Man we believe in, His love and light, and they want to share it. The youth are taking a stand as the Jesus generation to see hearts turn to the Father as they embark on a mission for Jesus.